Sunday, August 23, 2020

Trouble Sleeping Again

 Posted: August 23, 2020

By: Joan Whetzel


This year has weighed heavy on my, and yes, I know I am not alone in this. Between the Covid, the lock downs, lower income because of not working, the political climate, and just a general feeling that everything feels unsettled, I have come to a point this summer where I cannot sleep well. It reminds me of my personal summer from hell a few years ago, and has triggered some of the feelings of being in a life I have no control over – feelings I had that summer after my husband died – triggering memories of the trouble sleeping I had back then. Sleep-wise, I would kill for a consistent string of all-nighters, with only a rare trip to the bathroom.


Well I have, in the intervening years, developed a bedtime routine of sorts, which has helped me get a good night’s sleep most of the time. At least until this summer. This summer’s routine means I am getting a little more sleep than I did that summer (5 hours interrupted sleep as opposed to 3 hours of extremely interrupted sleep). But oh, what I wouldn’t give for a normal sleep pattern again.


My bedtime routine includes:

1.   -  Running the ceiling fan to keep it cool (and for a little white noise).

2.   -  Going to bed and waking up at the same time.

3.   -  Watching what I eat, especially in the evening (no spicy or fried foods, no coffee past noon).

4.    - Using dim table lamps the last hour before laying down to go to sleep.

5.   -  Praying (usually the rosary, something about the rhythm of it) right before going to sleep.

6.   --  Getting regular exercise during the daytime.

7.   -  Turning off political and Covid virus news. Period.

8.  -   Watching TV shows or movies that allow my mind to wander and imagine; shows that don’t leave me  agitated and upset.

-I have found a few bedtime and daily routine things that I change out or add in to my day and night as needed:

1.   -  I have noticed that my exercise routine has fallen off considerably, and I am working back into increased exercise daily.

2.   - Since I’m home all the time, I have begun taking afternoon naps. Definitely a habit I’ve had to work hard at stopping.

3.    - I’ve been locked up inside. So, on the few days I get outside and catch some rays, I have slept better that night. So, this will be something I add more regularly to my days. Even if it’s only to go sit out on the deck to eat lunch.

4.  -   I do occasional mindless repetitive tasks in front of the evening TV, like mending, making lists of things that need to be done seems to wind my mind down. Less time to worry over the things that keep my head from shutting up.

5.   -  I turn on a relaxation or sleep “video” from my Amazon Prime account, and setting the TV timer to turn off in 30 minutes. (I always fall asleep before the TV goes off).

6.   -  Or use my white noise machine. It has a selection of sounds to choose from and I can set it to turn itself off. (I fall asleep before it turns off).

7.   -  I also read a few chapters of my latest book several nights a week.

Lately, I have added one more trick that Grandma Pauken used to help us sleep when we went up there on summer vacations. I drink a glass of warm milk with Ovaltine. I’ve done it for the last 2 nights. It definitely helps me fall asleep. It hasn’t quite helped me stay asleep all night – yet. But then it’s only been 2 nights. So, we’ll see. I have found a few other tricks I might swap out. I’ll let you know how they work.



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