Saturday, November 2, 2013

Week of Nov.3, 2012 - Lollygagging

By Joan Whetzel


I have not had the opportunity to do much lollygagging since my husband died last May. I am currently feeling a strong urge to do some serious lollygagging though. All the work my daughter and I have put in since his death and all the work I've been putting in to finding a full time job has put a major dent in my energy levels as well my mental and emotional well being. A little lollygagging could just be the medicine I need to recharge my batteries.


Lollygagging Defined

Lollygagging, according most dictionaries, seems to mean:

·         performance of activities that have no real purpose..

·         fooling around.

·         spending time doing things with no real goal in mind.

·         dawdling.

·         dallying.

·         procrastinating.

·         being flat-out lazy.

·         dragging ones feet to avoid doing something one is supposed to be doing.


For those who are driven by the need to fill all your waking hours with meaningful tasks, then, lollygagging would be considered a waste of time - and probably a waste of energy as well.


Lollygagging in America

In the American military, to a charge new recruits with lollygagging is to accuse them of fooling around or wasting time. For us mere civilians, it is sometimes used to refer to kissing and caressing a loved one. The term "lollygagging" first appeared in American usage around the mid-1800s and was hurled at anyone having the gall to disgrace common decency with such licentious behavior (the whole kissing and caressing in full public view; you know, p.d.a. or public displays of affection). How it came to mean wasting time, I haven't discovered yet.


How Does One Lollygag These Days?

Well, I suppose by putting off this blog, by not writing one last week, forcing me to write this blog today - well, I guess that was a form of lollygagging. Though, technically, I wasn't dawdling, I actually had to use the time and energy on another task of equal importance, but one that made me money (nearly $200). So I wasn't technically lollygagging since I wasn't wasting time or energy.


Other ways I think I could lollygag might include:

1.      reading a book.

2.      going to a matinee movie, instead of working (I've done that twice recently and it felt great to play hooky).

3.      take a picnic in the middle of the day (the temperature is right, but the recent rains have put my favorite picnic grounds under water, or made them too muddy to enjoy).

4.      window shopping at the local mall - ugh! I hate shopping.

5.      meandering the internet, looking for useless information.

6.      sitting on the front porch, watching the grass grow.

7.      doing the whole couch potato thing - though I have found in recent years that I can't stand just sitting there in front of the TV.  My hands need to keep busy, otherwise I feel like I'm wasting time. And I get extremely board, no matter how interesting the show or movie is.


I'm sure there are some really great ways to lollygag, though I can't seem to think of any other than these. I am getting a little tired of these same few lollygagging techniques. I wish someone would send me some good lollygagging ideas.


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