Saturday, January 4, 2014

Week of January 5, 2014 - “Julie and Julia”

By Joan Whetzel

I visited my mother on New Year’s Day and we had a wonderful conversation. We talked about all kinds of things especially the events of last year and how our lives have changed. At some point our conversation turned to movies. And she showed me her “extensive” collection of DVDs (all 10 of them) and she offered me some to take home. I picked “The Music Man” and “Julie and Julia” – a movie I haven’t seen in a while.


I’d forgotten how much I loved that movie. It’s about a wannabe author, Julie, who works for an insurance company as a customer service rep. Some of her school friends have high powered jobs and look down on her for her job and her failed attempt to write a novel. Complaining to her husband about this, he suggests she start a blog about her favorite hobby – cooking.


Inspired by her admiration for Julia Child, she decides to cook her way Julia’s cookbook “The Art of French Cooking” and writer about the experience. The movie follows Julie’s life as she writes her blog as Julia Child’s life as she attends the Cordon Bleu in France so that she can learn to cook French cuisine and teach it to American cooks.


Although Julie’s replication of Julia’s recipes is always successful, her blog takes off. Julie’s writing earns her many fans, except the one fan she wants the most – Julia Childs. She even loses her husband’s admiration briefly. In the end, no one and nothing was harmed in the making of theism movie, except maybe the lobsters.  This is really a delightful movie about writing – oh, and cooking too. And if you are wondering  if I’ll be cooking my way through “The Art of French Cooking.” the answer is  “not on your life.” I don’t appreciate many of the recipes as much as Julie.

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