By Joan Whetzel
With Halloween right around the
corner – lol 2 months away – it’s a good time to start thinking about words
like “creepy” and the things that creep us out. Like the fact that the month of
September has a Friday the 13th.
Creepy is frequently defined as producing the sensation of uneasiness
or fear, the sensation of your skin crawling, chills running down your spine,
your stomach tied in knots, or being annoyingly unpleasant or repulsive. A creep
can be anyone who acts sexually inappropriate or perverted, or using dishonorable
means in an attempt to derive sexual gratification.
Spooky, eerie, weird
Bad, awful, dreadful,
ghastly, unpleasant, evil, wicked, unscrupulous
Sinister, menacing,
ominous, disturbing
Frightening, scary,
terrifying, alarming, fear-provoking
Eerie, strange,
unnatural, ghostly, spine-chilling, hair-raising, sinister
Disturbing, troubling,
bloodcurdling, petrifying
Weird, odd, storage,
Unsettling, anxiety
provoking, upsetting, causing discomfort, creating tension, putting on edge,
making someone jumpy
We may
experience the creeps when get the feeling when
We get the feeling we are being watched.
We unconsciously or subconsciously pick up something in another person’s
subtle but negative energy and ill-intentioned signals.
We perceive that someone may not be telling us the truth or is
withholding information.
When someone is making unwanted sexual advances or dropping sexual innuendos.
Lets not forget the creepiness in the fact that you posted this at 1:35 in the morning! The time after midnight is usually creepy. :)