Sunday, June 26, 2016

Small Comforts

By Joan Whetzel

My oldest granddaughter is with her daddy for the summer, leaving my daughter and I time to get things done around the house/garage/yard. A few larger projects. (Like clearing out the garage attic and the upstairs game room in the house). The list of things that need doing is much, much, much shorter than it has been the last 3 summers. The size of the projects is also smaller.

One thing we’ve found, though, is that giving ourselves some small comforts, some little luxuries, after completing our big projects and our regular chores (mowing) is something we both need. True, getting these cleaning projects over and done with are comforts in themselves. But we still need to treat ourselves as a way of patting ourselves on the back for our accomplishments. Some of our small comforts include:
1.     Matinee movie – NO kiddie movies allowed! Sorry Disney, I’ve had my fill, I’m feeding the adult now.

2.     30 to 60-minute swim in the neighborhood pool to cool off (especially after outdoor projects and chores in the Houston heat and humidity).

3.     Grilling a new recipe for supper, especially if those recipes include hot peppers, cayenne, chili power......

4.     Grilling apples or peaches with cinnamon, Splenda, and little apple or peach juice in a foil boat for dessert. Served with a scoop of ice cream, of course. It’s like low-cal pie without the crust; and we don’t have to heat up the kitchen.

5.     Allowing ourselves the purchase of one smallish item per month (or 2 months) that updates our environment to reflect our changing tastes, and our changing lives. (I got myself some red sheets a couple years ago. I always wanted red sheets. I’ve added a few other red items to my bedroom since then).

6.     Time to just sit a read a book. Reading for pleasure!

7.     Eating out on the deck when the weather is nice. Meals without a TV in sight.

We feeling both comforted and happier because we’re taking care of ourselves, and because we’re clearing away the clutter. Our life has changed a lot over recent years, and these small comforts (aka luxuries) are reminders to take care of ourselves. We’ve earned it.

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I'm really proud of you and all you have accomplished in a relatively short amount of time. When I come back, I want to see some of the changes you've made. I'm sure you feel empowered every time you do something, even the little things. I love you!
