Saturday, November 7, 2015

Week of November 8, 2015 – Thankfulness

By Joan Whetzel

I have been grateful a lot, especially for everything that’s happened the last couple of years. But this time of year, I feel more drawn to considering the things for which I am thankful. My anniversary falls right around Thanksgiving (it would have been #36 this year), so my mind goes back to my wedding, my marriage, and my family. Losing my husband and my dad within 8 months of each other, it would be easy to wallow in self-pity and lose sight of the bigger picture. Yet, I really do have a lot for which to be thankful.

My daughter Emily, for the years of assistance in dealing with large and small cleaning, clearing, repairs, and yardwork – all of which I would never have gotten done without her help.

Myself – yes I am grateful for myself – for stepping up and taking action when necessary, for solving the large number of problems that presented themselves in the last 2 ½ years, and for learning how to do things that I never knew I was able to do (like setting up 2 computers and a new printer). With a little courage and the inner resources born out of a tragedy, I found some cost-effective and creative solutions to most of the circumstances life has thrown at me

My 4 granddaughters, who give me great joy and comfort.

My son David, for coming to help with some of the things that Emily and I couldn’t handle.

For my daughter-in-law Mirranda and her family for making holidays special, for being lively and keeping life interesting, and for showing me it’s okay to stand up for myself when need be.

For my own family who are always there for me, who lend me an ear even for the petty little things, and who are reassure me when I’m feeling panicky or when something feels off somehow.

For the AARP-SCSEP program for taking me on, part time, allowing me to get more updated job skills in preparation for getting a real job, and giving me the opportunity to get out of the house so the depression and grief didn’t take over.

I’ve grown closer to my family. My relationship with my children and myself have changed, for the better. No, my life is not perfect. Not by a long shot. But I have a lot for which to be thankful; mostly that I have come through this trial stronger, with much richer life.

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