You can start it off on the right foot or the wrong foot. Starting off your writer's day by continuing to hit the snooze button, skipping breakfast, of turning on the TV, is generally agreed on as the wrong way to get started. Here a few suggestions for getting it started the write way.
1. Eat Breakfast. That's right - eat. You need to fuel your brain cells with something nutritious.
2. Exercise. This can be done before or after breakfast. Or even sometime during the day when you feel your concentration waning. Exercise gets your blood moving and wakes your brain up better than any cup of coffee or energy drink.
3. Praying. Prayer centers your thinking and gets you mind thinking in a positive direction.
4. Reading. Read whatever inspires your writing: inspirational, the Bible, self-help, writing books, the news, or whatever research you need to add to your writing for the day. Add reading to your evening as well, but make it something completely different. Maybe some fiction or something outside of your normal reading comfort zone. It shakes up your thinking and feeds your dreams. Which, in turn, feeds your writing for the next day.
5. Check your calendar and make additions or evictions of unnecessary tasks.
6. Answer your email, but make it quick. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's not really writing. But you know you won't be able to concentrate until you take a peek.
7. Do a quick run through of yesterday's writing and research to see where you stand - and to pick up where you left off.
8. Turn on your computer, pull up to your typewriter, or pull out your favorite pens and paper.
9. Send your inner critic outside the room to watch movies, nap, or whatever makes it happy until you're ready for another editing session. While you're at it, send all the other distractions out of the room - phone, TV, kids, spouse…
10. Start writing.
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