Alright, this is really an exercise in daydreaming, but one that may lead in any direction for a writer. Give it a try. Do it over several days or weeks and see what you come up with.
· Saturday. The sun is shining bright and the sky is clear. No clouds. The temperatures are cool with lows in the upper-30s and highs in the mid-60s. Right now it's nearly noon on a Saturday which means the neighbor next door was outside doing yard work this morning. Right now I can hear his radio playing in the backyard as he and his family lounge in the hot tub. (Alright I can't actually see that one, but I can only hear it.) The neighborhood kids are energized by the beautiful weather, running, screaming, playing, riding bikes and scooters, having fun. It's still too cool for birds nesting in the gardenia bush outside my office window. An occasional car drives down the street, slowing to tap the horn to make sure the kids notice the car and don't run out in front of him or her. I find the kids' joy and laughter on these days almost too inviting to remain sitting in my office. The urge to go outside and play is strong, to the point where I am just about ready to chuck it and play hooky.
· Monday. It’s dark and cloudy, and we’re expecting rain. The wind has picked up, becoming strong and gusty and making the pine trees wave precariously. The cold front should be moving through later today. Kids are off from school for a holiday, so no buses came through this morning. They must be sleeping in late since they aren’t even playing outside at 9:30am. It’s nearly lunchtime. The rain has started, right on schedule. A few splats against the window alerted me to the onset. I love rain. I sleep better at night when it’s raining and I get so much more done on rainy days. I think it’s because I am not being enticed and cajoled into going outside to play by sunshine, pleasant temperatures, and gentle breezes. Mid-afternoon, there’s some old guy pacing back and forth on the sidewalk out front. Who is this guy? He saw me watching him and left.
· Thursday. The kids walk to the school bus stop across the street and play chase while waiting. About 10 minutes later, the school bus lumbers to a stop, and takes off again once the kids have taken their seats. The weather's consisted of light rain and strong winds all morning, sunshine and gentle breezes in the afternoon. 4pm, the bus comes back down the street, depositing the kids across the street. This time, they get off the bus much slower, dragging their feet. How can they be so tired on such a beautiful afternoon. Hard week at school?
· Friday. Large truck driving down the street. Without even looking I can tell you by the sound that it's the garbage truck and not UPS or a school bus. Besides, it stops at every house just long enough to empty the garbage cans and then move on to the next. Two guys with a clip board checking out the neighbor's house. Nobody's home next door. Hmm! Should I call the police or not? No, they got back in their car and left after about a minute. Later in the afternoon, some guy a block or two over is yelling loudly. Can't make out words or exactly where it's coming from. Sounds like he might be in pain or really angry, Can't tell for sure. Otherwise nothing is moving, and it's really quiet.
· Saturday. A young couple is out for their morning walk. The elderly man across the street is just finishing his morning walk. I haven't seen his wife in a while and find myself wondering if she's okay. She's suffered several falls and broken her hips as well as an arm in recent years. She's frail and has osteoporosis. The neighbor's son has parked his truck in front of our house again. Why can't he park in front of his own house? Or in the driveway?
· Sunday. Morning is quiet as usual for a Sunday. Everyone is at church or sleeping in late. Beautiful Sunny day with a slight breeze. Birds chirping up and down the street. I love mornings like this - when I have time to go out and play. But when I have work I need to get done, they are painfully enticing. A couple of my granddaughters friends noticed my window blinds open and saw me working in my office. They won't stop pounding on the door until I answer it and tell them she's not here. The clouds moved back in this afternoon Rain started soon after. It's a chilly rainy afternoon, the complete opposite of this morning, which makes a good day for slow roasting a chicken, served with mashed potatoes and veggies for supper. "Yum! It smells like thanksgiving" one of my kids said once many years ago. 11:30pm Fire truck racing down the boulevard behind our back fence. Siren blaring, the driver stomping his fist into the horn (boys and their toys!)- both echoing off the 8 foot fences forming the boulevard’s canyon walls – the lights peeking over the top of the fence and flashing their light play across my bedroom ceiling, red-white, red-white, red-white…
I never realized how many things happen outside my usual realm of existence. I’m usually so wrapped up in my writing or the news on TV or family life, that I don’t notice what’s going on right outside my window. Another thing I notice here is how certain things trigger my imagination (the fire truck), my concerns (what’s going on with the across-the-street neighbor’s wife), and my memories (chicken dinner). Any of these details could find their place in fiction or non-fiction writing.
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