Teachers start assinging term papaers in high school and, by the time college rolls around, students find they must right a term paper for nearly every subject. For those students who struggle with researching and writing term papers, this can prove to be an overwhelming challenge. “How to Write Term Papers, For High School and Colleg Students” provides helpful tips and techniques for getting though the process.
“How to Write Term Papers” begins with an introduction describing how the book is set up and how to use it. It then jumps into information about the basics on term papers and academic writing which some students may find useful. The tips and techniques in this book include: choosing a topic, research, finding scholarly sources, tips for doing research on the internet,, creating a working outline, term paoper organization, rough drafts, a chapter on summarization, paraphrasing and quotations, the citation process, how to format a term paper (in APA, MLA, Chicago Manual of Style formats), the final draft, and the List of Works Cited (bibliography). Included at the end is an appendix of trustworthy website resources which fall under the heading of scholarly sources for most term papers.
This is not a book that needs to be read from cover to cover. Students can pick and choose the parts that they need and leave the rest alone. Teachers and home school parents can keep a copy in their classroom for students to reference. “How to Write Term Papers, For High School and College Students” is available at Amazon in print and Kindle editions.
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