I love freelance writing. There are so many ideas and so many opportunities to write. Yes, there are some writers who make a lot of money, but for most of us writers, money doesn't fill our pockets. Many writers make a decent income from writing, while for others, it's about the opportunities to write. Basically, we love to write, whether we are making money or not. The greatest perk for writing is that it can be fit into any lifestyle.
Writing Hours
Unless you are working in an office setting, writing (books and freelance) has no regular work hours. I can pick and choose my own work hours as long as I meet my deadlines. I'm a morning person so I like to do all or most of my work before lunchtime. On the rare occasions when I get into night owl mode, I can work until the wee hours. There are no right or wrong work hours.
Writing Space
Writing space can be anyplace that allows me to concentrate and feeds my creativity. If I need to write at the local café this week, then pack up your materials and enjoy some coffee and an order of pancakes or something lighter. I've been known to make use of their wifi if my chosen cafe has it. On the other hand, if you need a quiet spot I work in my home office where I can close the door and shut out the distractions by closing the blinds. I can turn on some music if I need it. Some days I go to a local park with a sack lunch, write by hand, and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine..
This leads me to the point of portability. Writing can be taken anywhere. I've written on airplanes (though admittedly it wasn't the easiest place for me to write). I've tried writing in a moving car, but between the potholes, the sudden stops of the people in front of us, and the motion, this plan of action didn't work so well for me. I understand that it works quite well for others to write while traveling, though. In general, I find it quite easy to pack up what I need for a few stories or chapters and travel to a new location to write. I can write in restaurants, at parks, in churches (don't ask), etc. I can either take colorful pens and paper and write by hand - to be transferred to computer later - or I can take my laptop and notes and start typing. My writing supplies don't take up that much extra room and they come in handy for other things as well. On a recent trip, my granddaughter used my computer to watch DVDs, and the paper and colored pens wee used for drawings and games.
Availability for Family Matters
Most days I don't have a problem with other conversations and activities distracting me. Once I'm in my writing zone, I tune everything out, relegate it to background noise. I find I can easily work my writing around regularly scheduled family activities and needs. I either adjust my work hours or I take my writing with me for those times when I know I'll have to wait on someone. The emergencies still give me a little trouble sometimes. But again, I can get most of my writing done early in the day. Sometimes I have to stop midstream, take care of the emergency, then come back and finish up later. It sometimes disturbs my train of thought, but mostly I find that the interruption to my thinking actually helps me see things I hadn't thought of before. The emergency breaks me out of my routine and gives me fresh ideas and a different perspective. So in the long run they aren't really all that much of a hindrance.
Writing as a career or hobby has a lot of perks that I would hate to give up. I'll keep on writing as long as I can.
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